Interview With Andy

Andy: Sawasdee Krub (Speaking Thai)

Q: What is the special significance for coming to Thailand and having “Meet & Greet” event this time?

Andy:This time, I do not come here as a member of Shinhwa, but as Andy the solo artist.

Q:What projects are you working on right now? And when the fans can hear your 2nd solo album?

Andy:Now I am playing in the drama ‘Two Wives” and preparing my new solo album, which will be released soon.

Q:Let’s talk about variety show “Just Married”. Do you have any impressions after being on the show?

Andy:Honestly, it was a very meaningful moment for me. While filming, I felt like I was married for real. And If I were married, I would also treat my wife like this. That made me excited and I had a very good time.

Q:In the show, you were coupled with Solbi. How did you feel?

Andy:A lot of people have asked this question: have Solbi and I ever dated for real? The answer is “No”. Solbi and I are like brother & sister. Sometimes, we sent greeting SMS to each but lately we have been busy with our activities so we do not have much time to talk. Anyway, Solbi still send messages asking me about my new album and I reply and tell her to work hard. So we are just caring brother & sister.

Q:Coming to Thailand only by yourself this time, what do you feel? Do you feel differently comparing to your last trip?

Andy:It is such a long time that I have not been to Thailand. In 2006, I came here with my Shinhwa members but this time I come alone. So, I only think that I have to do my best and at first I thought that the weather here would be hotter but it is almost the same as in Korea.

Here is the exclusive interview with Andy about his role as a producer for the duo “Jumper”.

Q:Why did you choose to be producer for ‘Jumper’?

Andy:Because both of them are very talented and I’d like to make their dream come true. In that time, I wanted to do project for duo singers as well. Jumper did a very good job and the warm feedback from the fans encouraged ‘Jumper’ very much and it made me happy and proud.

Q: Now you are singer, actor and producer. In your opinion what quality a singer should have?

Andy:First of all, you should have a dream and a will. Besides being able to sing and dance, you must know how to present yourself but the most important things are determination and effort. They are keys to success.

Q:What is your role in the drama ‘Two Wives’?

Andy:I’m playing as “Yoon Num Joon”. His character is lively and bright but he has never been successful in what he do. He has lived in a happy and warm family until his father passed away. 29-years-old Yoon Num Joon suddenly becomes the head of family. While filming, producer told me to act more lively so now I try to be livelier in real life.

After asking about his activities, we are now moving to the next topic

Q:What do you want to do while being here?

Andy:Personally, I love eating so coming to Thailand this time, I want to go to Thai famous restaurants and eat their special dishes as much as possible. I also want to go to famous places like Jatujak (weekend market) or Kaosan Road (famous place where foreigner loves to stay and shop).

Q: Are’t you afraid that the fans will recognize you?

Andy: (Laughing) They will?

Q:In “Just Married ”, everyone saw that you can cook very well. So, we’d like to know if you are a really good cook.

Andy: (Smiling) it’s good enough to cook for myself.

Q: What dishes you can cook well?

Andy:Korean food, especially soup and curry. I can do it all. Actually I cook from what I can find from my fridge.

And the last question that fans would like to know.

Q:After joining variety show “Just Married”, do you want to marry? Are you afraid of married life? How do you think about married life?

Andy: Honestly, when I got an offer for joining this show, I really wanted to be a part of it because I badly wanted to be married. I’m living alone. Every morning I wake up then go to work and come back home alone. This makes me feel quite lonely.
However, after being in this show, I feel like being married means more responsibility. So, I might not be able to hang out with my friends often. Anyway, I still want to marry and have lovely children (He shows his bright smile and acting like holding a baby).

Q: Last question. Please say something to your fans in Thai or English.

Andy:(laughing and speaking in Thai) Sawasdee Krab…Indeed I would like to speak more but the pronunciation is very difficult for me so I only can say this. (Smiling).

After press conference, Andy heads to Siam Paragon where fans are waiting for him.
記者招待會結束後,Andy前往Siam Paragon,那裏有fans在等待著他。

Credits: Chokobo@Juxta-dream
Eng trans by immi&carina_jeab@kimdongwanthailand


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