

神話2012首爾演唱會 interpark 公告

-座位:VIP 143,000 韓元 / SR 132,000 韓元 / R 110,000 韓元
-座位 : S 88,000 韓元/ A 66,000 韓元
-站位:SR 132,000韓元
-主辦單位: CJ E & M Corp.
-協辦單位: 神話公司
- Ticket Open : Feb 13, 2012 8PM
-售票開始日期:2012年二月13日午後8時 (台灣時間晚上7時)

"記得我們會再次一起歸來的承諾嗎? 現在,是我們兌現對粉絲的承諾的時候了!"
為了要堅守這珍貴的承諾,並且回報我們從粉絲們所收到的愛,ERIC, MIN WOO, DONG WAN, HYE SUNG, JUN JIN, ANDY,六位成員全體已經準備好要在出道的14周年紀念日-2012年3月24日-再次與粉絲們見面。


"幾使經過10年,20年,或甚至更久.....SHINHWA FOREVER!"

“Remember the promise to comeback when we all gather together again? Now, the time has come to keep our word for the fans!”

SHINHWA is coming back after 4 years since their 10th anniversary concert at Seoul Olympic Gymnastic Stadium in March 29th, 2008.

To keep the valuable promise and return the love and emotion we received from the fans - ERIC, MIN WOO, DONG WAN, HYE SUNG, JUN JIN, ANDY - all 6 members are ready to meet the fans in the name of SHINHWA in March 24th, 2012 which is also the 14th anniversary of their debut.

Thank you so much for waiting.
My lovely all, we are soon going to meet you as SHINHWA.

“Over 10 years, 20 years, for more... SHINHWA FOREVER!”

翻譯 by kate@shinhwataiwan


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